Hi all and welcome, we recently attended a training seminar and factory tour at Arada Axminster.

Going through there new range of Ecodesign stoves, how to disassemble them ready for Sweeping and Servicing. Learning what the service, maintenance and installation protocols are and we finalized and tweaked the training ready for the Sweep Safe Members.
This should make our customers experience easier and smoother when dealing with the New Ecodesign appliances as our Sweeps wil be able to easily identify and resolve any issues.
As usual Hodgsons does it first! Always learning to provide a better service to our customers.

We also learned a whole lot about their processes, how they assemble and make all parts in house in their factory here in Axminster.
Lastly to the huge storage warehouse which has everything from the finished Stoves to individual nuts and bolts which are all made at the factory! A seemless, tidy system making for good quality products made in Devon, UK.
We look forward to working with Arada in the future!

Thank you for reading!
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