Ok so that’s me signed up with GoodSam as a first responder and NHS conscript or any other role they want me for.
Waiting on id checks now and maybe crb before I can go and start helping.
I hope no one does this naming and shaming nonsense as I’m in the van, out and about. It’s a people carrier that could be transporting nhs staff or food for them and maybe attending people who need help and support. Please don’t tar us all with the same brush, some of us will be out and about for the right reasons.
Make no mistake, we will not be leaving the house for anything that isn’t deemed essential, this virus is a bad thing.
stay safe out there.
There’s loads of sweeps out there who are part time sweeps, part time fireman. Not I, although I wish I were at this time.
Lets Support our NHS, People and Country however we can.
Lets beat Covid-19, protect the NHS and Save Lives

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